Austrian cadastral map

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Many Venetian maps and cadasters were digitized in the Venice Time Machine project. Cadastral maps offer a detailed representation of properties in a specific area. A pipeline was created to extract geometries from the 1808 Napoleonian cadastral map of Venice. The goal of this project is to use this pipeline to extract geometries from the 1848 Austrian cadaster and adapt it as necessary.


Timeframe Model Post-processing
Weeks 8-10 Finish georeferencing Examine post-processing
Week 10-11 Prepare training data from Austrian cadaster, adapt model
Weeks 11-13 Train and test models on Austrian cadaster Research and optimize post-processing
Week 13 Combine and evaluate results If time, compare with 1808 geometries
Week 14 Final Project presentation

Venetian cadasters


  • DHSegment-torch
  • Post-processing
