Humans of Paris 1900

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Revision as of 13:50, 20 November 2019 by Liamarcia.bifano (talk | contribs)
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Weekly working plan
Timeframe Task Completion
Week 3
30.09 Query Gallica API
Query Gallica API
Week 4
07.10 Map alignment
Preparation of the midterm presentation
Week 5
14.10 Developing the database structure
Extracting the building shapes from the old map
Planning for the development of a website with the map
Week 6
21.10 Finishing all the extraction jobs
Adding the data to the database
First version of the website
Week 7
28.10 Adding interactive functions
Finishing the website
Week 8
04.11 Project report
Week 9
11.11 Project report
Week 10
18.11 Project report
Week 11
25.11 Project report
Week 12
02.12 Project report
Week 13
09.12 Project report