Chinese Cookbook

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Project Plan and Milestons

Date Data Collection Data Processing Data Analysis Web Construction
Week 3 Search historical Chinese cookbooks and compare them
Week 4 Choose one historical Chinese cookbook

& Select the chapter to work on

Week 5 Get data from the website First clean and sort the data

& Construct the dataset of recipes & Find Ancient Chinese to Modern Chinese translation model

Week 6 Construct the dataset of ingredients

& Translating from Ancient Chinese to Modern Chinese

Week 7 Categorize data
Week 8 Analyse cooking method, effect, category, and ingredient frequency

& Visualization

Start web construction
Week 9 Analyse ingredient and ingredient category pairing and

& Visualization

Continue web construction
Week 10 Analyse effect and ingredient pairing

& Visualization

Continue web construction

& Construct recipe filtering and recommendation system

Week 11 Modren Chinese to English translation Continue web construction

& Construct recipe filtering and recommendation system & Add data analysis and visualization to the website

Week 12 Modren Chinese to English translation Continue web construction

& Add data analysis and visualization to the website

Week 13 Finalize and improve the website
Week 14 Prepare the Wikipedia page & final presentation