Spatialising Sarah Barclay Johnson's travelogue around Jerusalem (1858)
Delving into the pages of "Hadji in Syria: or, Three years in Jerusalem" by Sarah Barclay Johnson, this project sets out to digitally map the toponyms embedded in Johnson's 19th-century exploration of Jerusalem with the wish to connect the past and the present. By visualizing Johnson's recorded toponyms, this project aims to offer a dynamic tool for scholars and enthusiasts, contributing to the ongoing dialogue on the city's historical evolution.
This spatialization, in its attempt, pays homage to Johnson's literary contribution, serving as a digital window into the cultural crossroads: Jerusalem. The project invites users to engage with the city's history, fostering a deeper understanding of its rich heritage and the interconnected narratives that have shaped the city. In this fusion of literature, history, and technology, we hope to embark on a digital odyssey, weaving a narrative tapestry that transcends time and enriches our collective understanding of Jerusalem's intricate past.
Working with the Book / Extracting Book Information
Detecting Locations
NER with Spacy
//LIST or visual
So, we can see the problem is mislabeling: in theory we only need to retrieve the toponyms, i.e. “GPE” & “LOC”, but SpaCy labelled some of them as “PERSON” or “ORG”. In other words, if we only select “GPE” and “LOC”, we’ll lose some toponyms; if we also select “ORG” and “PERSON”, we’ll get some non-toponyms.
Difficulties when working with historical content
Too many mis-labels due to historical and biblical references place names changing over time multiple languages
Difficult to understand even by reading sometimes
Importance of understanding how places relate to the meaning in the book
Preliminary Analysis for Model Selection - Assessment Focusing on Chapter 3
Manual detection
In our preliminary analysis for model selection, we focused on Chapter 3 for a detailed assessment. The initial step involved manually detecting and labeling named entities, specifically locations mentioned in the text. This was achieved by highlighting relevant text segments and subsequently gathering these identified locations into a spreadsheet. To ensure the accuracy of our location identification, each location was cross-referenced with its corresponding Wikipedia page. This was an important step, especially in cases where the context of the book made it challenging to understand the exact nature of the places mentioned, even after analyzing the entire paragraph. This method provided a solid foundation for our named entity recognition approach.
Spacy Results
GPT-4 Results
Since the GPT-4 Results outperformed the results of Spacy NER, presented GPT-4 prompt has been used to retrieve the locations in the book.
Matching Wikipedia Pages
Using the Wikipedia API , locations identified by GPT were searched in Wikipedia, and the first relevant result was recorded. Additionally, the first image found on the page of the recorded link was retrieved. This approach was primarily used to verify the accuracy of manually determined locations. Subsequently, after all locations were obtained, it was used both for visualizing the author's path and for acquiring coordinates for locations without coordinates.
Tracking Author's Route on Maps
Finalizing the List of Coordinates
- Fuzzy matching GPT-4 results with an existing location list
- Retrieving coordinates by matched Wikipedia pages
Visualization by GeoPandas
- GeoPandas
Creating a Platform for Final Output
Limitations and Further Work
- API for a smoother process - Improve with the full book instead of chapter by chapter
Project Timeline & Milestones
Timeframe | Task | Completion |
Week 4 |
✓ |
Week 5 |
✓ |
Week 6 |
✓ |
Week 7 |
✓ |
Week 8 |
✓ |
Week 9 |
✓ |
Week 10 |
✓ |
Week 11 |
✓ |
Week 12 |
Week 13 |
Week 14 |
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