Georefencing exercice

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  1. Choose one of the 5 maps (each map should be taken by one group) and fill the "Map chosen" column of the table with the map link.
  2. Go on
  3. Georeference your map.
  4. Put the Georeferencer link into the " url" column of the table table.
Map description Map url
1553: Truchet et Hoyau, plan de Bâle
1650: Gomboust, Lutetia. Paris
1744: Delagrive, Plan de Paris divisé en seize quartiers
1844: Andriveau-Goujon, Plan de Paris fortifié et des communes environnantes
1949: Aerial photography of Paris


Group number First student name Second student name Third student name Map chosen url
1 Guilhem Sicard Todor Manev -
2 Giacomo Alliata Andrea Scalisi -
3 Leonore Guillain Haeeun Kim Liamarcia Bifano
4 Arthur Parmentier Bertil Wicht -
5 Robin Szymczak Cédric Tomasini