Procedural modeling of Muqarnas

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Project Plan

The project is separated in three main goals: identify the historical document to use, develop the procedural modeling methods and perform the modeling. The following table provides the project plan:

Date Task Completion
By Week 3
  • Choose three interesting project ideas.
  • Prepare presentation slides for each project idea.
By Week 4
  • Initial tutorial: Introduction to Rhino and Grasshopper.
By Week 5
  • Rhino and Grasshopper applied exercises.
  • Think of a definition of the context, content and outcome of the project.
By Week 6
  • Grasshopper implementation of Islamic 2D star pattern
  • Researching Abu al Wafaa al Buzjani's manuscript "On those geometric constructions that are necessary for a craftsman"
By Week 7
  • Find the steps traditionally followed by craftsmen to construct muqarnas.
By Week 8
  • Understand the construction methods described by Al Kashi's manuscript "Methods of the masons'.
  • Identify different components used in Al Kashi's book to construct Muqarnas.
  • Learn how to calculate the curvature coefficient for curved Muqarnas.
  • Understand how to calculate muqarnas surfaces using Al Kashi's method.
  • Implement the basic shapes in 2D.
By Week 9
  • Work on the grasshopper 3D model.
  • Parametrize the 2D basic shapes with a 3 point model, which will be useful to create the 2D plan.
  • Model the 3D cells of each shape for simple Muqarnas.
By Week 10
  • Midterm presentation: Prepare slides for the midterm project presentation.
  • Layout steps to create 2D muqarnas plans in a procedural way.
By Week 11
  • Complete the parametric 2D plan on Grasshopper.
  • Identify the position of basic shapes on the plan.
  • Identify the outline of each tier of the Muqarnas.
By Week 12
  • Start applying the 3D shapes on the 2D plan of the model.
  • Calculate the surface of the Muqarnas following Al Kashi's method.
  • Compare the results to the surface calculated on Grasshopper.
By Week 13
  • Final changes and fine tuning of the model.
  • Implement curved muqarnas (only changing the arc is necessary).
  • Complete the final report and wiki.
By Week 14
  • Final presentation.